Re-enactment - Passport

I have been a medieval re-enactor for over 15 years.

This is my re-enactment “passport”, essentially it is the categorisation and documentation of the kit/garb (costume and equipment) that I wear and use at re-enactment events. This will be a “living” document, and updates will be made to it as I obtain more kit, or learn new sources. I first came across this concept through a post I saw online which I can no longer locate.

There are several benefits from doing this, which include identifying gaps in my historical portrayal, as well as being able to prioritise buying/making/repairing what I need compared to what I want. It also forces me to perform more research into my portrayal, as part of this passport is providing sources for each item.

While the Medieval Archery Society does not have stringent historical accuracy requirements, there are other groups that do, and a passport helps with meeting their requirements. Narrowing down the time period and location of a historical portrayal also helps improve the overall accuracy of the portrayal.

This is currently in the process of being filled out with what I currently have and is not complete in any sense of the word.

14th Century English Archer

14th Century English Archer

An English Peasant Archer, serving in an English Free Company operating in France around 1365.


  • Archer's Cap
  • Hood
  • Coif




  • Bows
  • Arrows
  • Arrow Bag
  • Dagger
  • Sword


  • Pouch
  • Pilgrim's Bag
  • Bowl
  • Mug
  • Cutlery


  • Tent
  • Bedding
  • Bench
  • Chest